
Thank you for your wonderful video of the Goddess Grace! I love your work – it not only nurtures me – it gives me hope as well. Thank you so very much for sharing of yourself, your creative energy, your heart and soul and for touching those parts of me.~ WW, Poland Springs, I ME

I just love everything about it having been a professional belly dancer 15 years, did Tai Chi and yoga exercises when living in California. This tape combines it all and adds affirmations. It’s especially perfect for the maturing woman gracefully being able to transcend middle age; like me! Blessings to you! ~JT, Virginia Beach, VA

The tape is fabulous. My best friend has it and is getting back into shape by following along every morning. A beautiful way to start the day. ~ JS, Farmingdale, NY

I’m so grateful for the positive effect your work has had not only on me, but my daughter, age 22 months and son, age three years. ~ AJ, NJ

When I first tried Goddess Grace I thought that there was no way my stiff body would be able to do a lot of the movements. Now after the third day of practice, I absolutely love Goddess Grace! I still haven’t caught on to the snake arms or Mermaid undulations but my body feels comfortable, my mind at peace and my spirit soars. ~LM, Mt. Pleasant, SC

I love it! I love the way the affirmations became solidified with the movement. Very healing! ~JM, Columbia, MO

This was the most enchanting and inspiring video that I’ve ever experienced. ~CAA, Richmond, VA

I love it! I have worshipped the Goddess for 18 years and your tape was completely in sink with my affirmations. How wonderful not to have to switch out God for Goddess. The moves really wake up my body and get me opened up for spiritual inspiration. I am a writer and it helps me to be more poetic in my writing because the images are so beautiful. The settings are fantastic. ~ NA, Avondale Estates, GA

The first indoor exercise that has caught me in my 50 years except dancing. At last something I can do. The breakdown is great, the full company, the sense of inclusiveness is beautiful. ~AR, Salt Lake City, UT

I just love the form you have created!! What you have to share is so beautiful. ~ Olga

We recently purchased your beautiful Goddess Grace video. It is truly healing and magical. ~ IH, Santa Fe, NM

I saw your Goddess Grace Moving Meditation Video and was enthralled – it inspired me to move, it made me giggle with joy, smile at the unconditional love, and sigh with the safety I felt watching women express the Goddess within. ~ CW, Columbia MO

I have been practicing the postures and feel an ancient awakening within as I move my body with the Goddess. ~ ML

You, your “method”, your writing and your grace are a true joy. I love the format of the video and the many faces  of the Goddess. A thousand Blessings! ~CR, Wilkesboro, NC

I’m wild about your tape… it’s helping me bring out the Goddess within myself. It’s so great that you thought of this idea and created it, and you gave this gift to women! I am looking forward to sharing it with my friends… they can come over and I can put it on and we’ll do it together. Goddess Bless! ~DA, Rocky Hill, NJ

It’s a wonderful tape. Thanks for making it. The instructions are very clear. ~ PA, Tallahassee, FL

Your words, the positions and the affirmations behind them are well thought out and so flowing! I had an accident 2 years ago and I haven’t been moving very much though I am all healed up. I’m just very tight and my energy is all blocked up. I haven’t found anything that intrigues me or makes me feel really great; until now.
You said something that makes so much sense – most exercise tapes or classes make us feel something’s wrong with us and we need to improve. Your approach of affirming us as womyn first is the most nice-est, grooviest thing I’ve heard in a while… I feel stretched, relaxed and happier. I think what you are doing is very wise, healing and magical. Fate has intervened here and connected me to something I am really needing and my body wants to THANK YOU. ~ LDB, Toronto, ONT